First Year of Life Program

Infant boy laying on back in crib. 

It’s important to track your baby’s development and growth throughout their first year of life. That’s why Sunshine Health has a First Year of Life Program that is dedicated to support you and any caregiver(s) your baby may have during their first fifteen months of life. 

What is the First Year of Life Program?

This program focuses on areas like health, nutrition, vaccines, growth/development, home safety, and the importance of regular visit with your child’s primary care provider. When you opt-into this program, Sunshine Health will send you vaccination and well child visit reminders via text message. You can opt-out any time. 

How to Enroll

For more information or to enroll into the program, call Member Services at 1-866-796-0530 (TTY 1-800-955-8770) and ask to speak to a member of the Care Management Team.