How to Add Facilities to Existing Contracts
These instructions will help you add facilities to an existing contract.
Step 1
Please complete the application (links below) that applies to your facility.
- The application must be signed within the past 6 months of credentialing.
- Please make sure the attached W-9 tax form has been signed within the past 12 months.
Step 2
Draft a letter to Sunshine Health on company letterhead with the following information:
- Physical address where services are performed
- Billing address where services are performed
- That location’s main phone number
- Whether the location should be listed in the health plan directory
If the location should be listed in the health plan directory:
- Specify all health plan products the location should be added to. Note: An existing participating contract is required for the requested product.
- Product examples:
- Wellcare Medicare
- Sunshine Health Medicaid: Sunshine Health Pathway to Shine Specialty Plan (CWSP); Long-Term Care (LTC); Sunshine Health Mindful Pathways Specialty Plan (SMI); Sunshine Health Power to Thrive Specialty Plan (HIV); Children’s Medical Services (CMS)
- Ambetter Health Insurance Marketplace product
Step 3
Does the facility need to add practitioners to this group/location?
If the answer is yes, please download and complete the LOAP/Practitioner Roster Form (XLSM).
Step 4
Prepare the following email with “Facility, Ancillary or BH Add” in the subject line and attach these documents:
- Credentialing application
- Disclosure of Ownership - Facilities (PDF)
- Note: Include one document per Taxpayer ID
- Copy of Certificate of Insurance (COI); include dates of group liability coverage
- Note: The expiration date must not be within the next 90 days of submission
- Any necessary supporting documents referenced in the credentialing application
Send the email and attachments to: practitioneradds@CENTENE.COM
What’s next?
- You should receive an automated email acknowledging your request from practitioneradds@CENTENE.COM
- Once the credentialing process is completed, you will be emailed a confirmation, the approval letter and the effective date
- We will reach out if we have questions about your submission