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Welcome Members


Sunshine Health addresses serious mental illness by helping members take control of every part of their health. Our specialty plan offers coordinated behavioral, medical and pharmacy services, a team-based approach, including behavioral and medical providers, licensed health clinicians and pharmacists.

As our member, you can depend on us to connect you to social support services like access to healthy foods, secure housing and reliable transportation to appointments.

We provide extra benefits for our Mindful Pathways Specialty Plan members that go beyond. View the many benefits available to you.

Important links to helpful information:


Sunshine Health Mindful Pathways  Specialty Plan is designed to help members age 6 and up who may have one of the following conditions:

  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Major Depression
  • Schizo-Affective Disorder
  • Delusional Disorders
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


  • Care Coordination and case management support from Sunshine Health Mindful Pathways  Specialty Plan trained staff
  • Increased access to providers who specialize in treating members with Sunhine Health Mindful Pathways Specialty Plan, including accredited behavioral health homes and patient centered medical homes
  • Expanded Benefits that address the needs of the Sunhine Health Mindful Pathways Specialty Plan population

Medicaid News
