Providers: The Online Tools You Need Just Got Even Better
Date: 06/03/20
Sunrise, Florida
We’ve improved our Secure Provider Portal to make doing business with us easier. New visual trackers and other enhancements will allow you to be more efficient, saving you time and hassle.
Manage claims more efficiently with easier online claims and tracking.
- Visually track your claims. See which have been approved or denied with the new color-coded tracker.
- Easily view Denial Codes. Denial Code descriptions are now on the Claims Details page—you no longer need to open each claim line.
The reconsideration process is now all online for ease of use.
- Make your case. Submit reconsideration comments using expanded text fields.
- Add context. Easily attach documentation when you file a reconsideration.
- Stay current. Opt in/out for reconsideration status change emails.
Quickly check member eligibility online with the new overview page.
- Now you can see all important member data on one page.
Prior Authorization pop-up window makes the process more efficient.
- This helpful reminder prompts you to attach supporting documents to avoid delays.
In addition to these new features, your portal is the place to:
- Confirm member benefits
- Review payment status
- Check cost shares
- Request prior authorization
Log in today to see the difference.