MMA/SMI/CWSP Ancillary Provider Quick Reference Guide
Includes PDN, EVV, and Home Health Providers
Important Contact Information
- Provider Services
- All products
- 1-844-477-8313
- Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern
- Pharmacy Services
- All products
- 1-800-460-8988, option 2
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Member Services
- 1-866-796-0530
- Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern
- Member Services
- 1-855-463-4100
- Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern
- Coastal Care Services Inc. (Home Health Auths)
- 1-855-481-0505
- 24 hours a day
- Coastal website
- Exclusions managed by Health Plan:
- MMA, SMI and CWSP – Home Infusion and PDN services.
Verifying Member Eligibility
These suggestions are not a guarantee of coverage.
- Verify member eligibility by using the Sunshine Health Secure Provider Portal.
- Using the portal, any registered provider is able to quickly check member eligibility by indicating the date of service, member name and date of birth or the Medicaid ID number and date of birth.
- Ensure you’re selecting the correct plan type.
- Alternatively, you can call Provider Services at 1-844-477-8313.
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
Providers required to submit claims through an EVV platform are listed below: (not applicable to Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Specialty Plan members)
- Private Duty Nursing, Personal Care, Home Health, Adult Companion Care, Adult Day Health Care, Assistive Care Services, Attendant Care, Companion Care, Homemaker, Intermittent and Skilled Nursing – LPN & RN and Respite Care (home).
- Sunshine Health subcontracts with HHAeXchange for the MMA product.
- Submit claims to HHAeXchange online.
Billing/Claims: Effective January 30, 2025, Sunshine Health will deny any EVV claims that are not electronically verified or those missing the appropriate exception reason code. To avoid reimbursement delays, we strongly encourage all providers to reduce or eliminate EVV exceptions, including manually edited or adjusted visit times. Additionally, please ensure adherence to timely filing guidelines.
EVV Functionality and Electronic Visit Verification
**Please refer to the 21st Century Cures Act which requires providers delivering personal care services, homemaker, companion, attendant care, respite, Participant Direction Option (PDO) services, and Private Duty Nursing (PDN) services for Medicaid population to electronically validate these services and submit the claims for these services through a compliant Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system. Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system effective January 1, 2019 (as required by federal law in the “21st Century Cures Act”).
*** The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and the Department of Health (DOH) have emphasized reducing exceptions pertaining to the use of EVV.
Helpful resources for providers
- Sunshine Health Announces EVV Policy, Procedure Changes
- HHAeXchange (HHAX)
- Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) | Medicaid
Tips: Providers are encouraged to attend our provider Town Halls for Electronic Visit Verification. Providers can sign up, view past EVV Town Hall recordings, and access provider resources and trainings on the Provider Training web page.
**For any inquiries related to EVV or HHAX, please use the secure messaging portal. To send a secure message, log into your member account, select "New," and set the internal dropdown to "No." Choose "Communication" as the message type. Responses will be processed through the HHAX secure message portal. Kindly include Sunshine claim numbers, NPI/TIN, and your contact details for follow-up.
Prior authorization is required for certain services. To determine which services require authorization, please refer to our Pre-Auth Check Tool.
Prior-authorization requests are processed by Sunshine Health’s Utilization Management (UM) Department.
- Standard requests: Determination within 5 calendar days of receipt of request.
- Urgent requests: Please call 1-844-477-8313. Urgent requests are made when the member or his/her physician believes that waiting for a decision under the standard timeframe could place the enrollee’s life, health, or ability to regain maximum function in serious jeopardy.
Submit authorization requests via one of the following:
- Online: via the Sunshine Health Secure Provider Portal
- Telephonically: 1-844-477-8313
- Medical Fax: 1-866-796-0526
- Pharmacy Services Fax: 1-833-546-1507
Note: Find the Treatment/Service Request Forms for fax submission online.
Utilization Management
Utilization Management Phone number: 1-844-477-8313 and follow prompts for services required.
- Standard hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern.
- Weekend and After-Hours on Call-Numbers: (all products): 1-844-477-8313.
Home Health Claims
Covered Services
- Home visit services provided by a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse.
- Home visits provided by a qualified home health aide.
- Private duty nursing for children age under 21 years.
- Personal care services for children age under 21 years.
For more information regarding covered services refer to AHCA at Home Health Services.
Description of the Specialty: Agency providing multiple services to our Home Community Based Members.
Billing: The following codes are included below for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Inclusion or exclusion of a code does not constitute or imply subscriber coverage or provider reimbursement. The codes listed below are not a complete list. Please refer to your contract with Sunshine Health to determine all contracted/covered codes for each membership group.
Service Type | Units of Measurements | Procedure code | Modifier | Procedure Code Description | Units |
Private Duty Nursing (PDN) | hour | S9123 | ** | Private duty nursing rendered by a RN (2 to 24 hours per day)* | hourly |
Private Duty Nursing (PDN) | hour | S9124 | ** | Private duty nursing rendered by a LPN (2 to 24 hours per day)* | hourly |
Home Health Visit | visit | T1030 | ** | Registered Nurse (RN) Visit | visit |
Home Health Visit | visit | T1031 | ** | Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Visit. | visit |
Home Health Visit | visit | T1021 | ** | Home Health Aide (HHA) Visit unassociated with skilled nursing services | visit |
Personal Care MMA | hour | S9122 | ** | Personal care rendered by a home health service provider (1 to 24 hours per day) | hourly |
**Please refer to the Medicaid Fee Schedule, and the Billing and Procedure Coding Guide for a list of approved modifier codes.
Important Links
Timely Claim Submission
Providers must submit claims in a timely manner as indicated in the following table.
Initial Claim* | Reconsiderations or Claim Dispute** | Coordination of Benefits*** | |||
Participating | Non-Participating | Participating | Non-Participating | Participating | Non-Participating |
180 days | 365 days | 90 days | 180 days | 90 days | 90 days |
** In a reconsideration or claim dispute, days are calculated from the date of the explanation of payment/correspondence issued by Sunshine Health to the date the reconsideration is received by Sunshine Health.
*** For coordination of benefits, days are calculated from the date of explanation of payment from the primary payer to the date received by Sunshine Health.
Process for Claims Reconsiderations and Disputes
All requests for corrected claims or reconsiderations/claim disputes must be received within 90 days from the date of the original explanation of payment or denial.
Prior processing will be upheld for corrected claims or claim disputes received following the 90-day period unless there is a qualifying circumstance and appropriate documentation to support the qualifying circumstance.
Qualifying circumstances may include:
- A catastrophic event that substantially interferes with normal business operation of the provider or damage or destruction of the provider’s business office or records by a natural disaster
- Provider documentation showing member refused or was unable to provide member identification card and provider was unaware the member was eligible for services at the time services were rendered
Claim Payment Disputes
(Related to untimely filing, incidental procedure, unlisted procedure code)
Sunshine Health
Attn: Adjustments/Reconsiderations/Disputes
P.O. Box 3070
Farmington, MO 63640-3823
Provider on Behalf of Self – Medical Appeals
- Providers can request an appeal for the following types of denials:
- No authorization claims denials.
- Authorization denials due to member not meeting medical necessity authorization denials and medical necessity, in addition to, benefits exhausted and non-covered procedures.
Sunshine Health
Attn: Adjustments/Reconsiderations/Disputes
P.O. Box 3070
Farmington, MO 63640-3823
Provider Changes
Adding Providers to Existing Group or Practice
- A contracted medical or behavioral health practice that would like to add a practitioner should email all relevant documentation to and include the following:
- List of Affiliated Providers (LOAP)/Practitioner Roster (for additions only)
- Disclosure of Ownership Form
- Access our LOAP/Practitioner Roster Form (XLSM) to utilize as a guide when submitting these types of requests.
- The Practitioner Adds Mailbox is equipped with an Auto Response Email to alert the submitter that their request has been received.
Demographic Updates and Changes
- A contracted medical or behavioral health practice that would like to update or make any changes to their demographic information should direct their request to
- Please include all detailed information to assist in making the appropriate changes.
- Providers can also initiate changes like this by visiting our Secure Provider Portal.
- These changes can be made by selecting “Modify Demographic Information about a specific TIN.”
- Providers can also submit their request via the Contact form.
Provider Terminations
Providers should refer to their contracts for specific information about terminating their contracts with Sunshine Health.
In general, providers are required to notify the health plan within 90 days of terminating a provider or providers from a group or contract. Providers who want to terminate an individual practitioner within a practice or group should:
- Provide the termination information on office letterhead and include the practitioner’s name, tax identification number, NPI, termination date and membership transfer information, if applicable; AND
- Email the request to and notify your Provider Relations Representative.
Remittances and PaySpan
Access explanation of payment statements (EOPs), change bank account information register for electronic funds transfers.
If you are currently receiving paper checks and would like to register for EFT, please view a copy of a current paper check. It should contain a Payee ID. This is the Plan Number which will be needed when registering.
- The registration for PaySpan is easy and it only takes a few minutes.
- Visit PaySpan online, call 1-877-331-7154 or email
- If your address is incorrect in PaySpan, please update to the correct address. Also, contact Sunshine Health at 1-844-877-8313 to update your address in our systems.
Case Management
Our Case Management team can be reached Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the phone numbers below. For after hours or weekend assistance, use option 7.
- Medicaid (MMA) and Sunshine Health Mindful Pathways Specialty Plan (SMI): 1-866-796-0530, option 2.
- Sunshine Health Pathway to Shine Specialty Plan (CWSP): 1-855-463-4100, option 2.
24-Hour Nurse Advice Line
The Nurse Advice Line can assist providers with checking member eligibility. It can also connect members to telemedicine for urgent care visits. Hours of operation are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- MMA and SMI: 1-866-796-0530 and follow prompts for Nurse Advice Line, Option 1, then Option 3, then Option 7.
- CWSP: 1-855-463-4100 and follow prompts for Nurse Advice Line, Option 1, then Option 2, then Option 7.
- Members have 24/7 access to receive services virtually through our telehealth vendor, Teladoc. Members can also download the Teladoc app or call 1-800-TELADOC.
- Providers may furnish and receive payment for covered, eligible telemedicine services in accordance with this policy and the provider’s scope of practice.
Additional Resources
Access and Availability Timeframe Standards
Sunshine Health establishes and assesses compliance with appointment wait times for various types of visits. Please view our Access and Availability Timeframe Standards.
Find A Provider (FAP) Tool
If you need assistance locating a specialist or facility for a member, please visit our Find a Provider Tool. Here you will be able to search by provider name, NPI and specialty type.
Find Your Account Manager
Visit Find Your Administrator to confirm the Provider Engagement Administrator supporting your county and specialty type.
Community Resources
Sunshine Health Connects links members and caregivers in need with local programs and supports.
For Providers
Stay up to date on provider communication by visiting our For Providers landing page and Provider News page.
For contact information, visit the Vendors web page.